Our evangelistic campaigns have held in several countries across West
Africa coupled with the manifestation of God’s saving, healing and
delivering power. Majorly, we work with missionaries labouring among the people groups that are unreached to organize evangelistic crusades,
medical missions, welfare programmes, community service and children
ministry. In the coming days, we are spreading the net of the Gospel to
other parts of Africa and the entire globe amongst the unreached and
Teaching and training is a very vital part of our vision. We win the lost by
preaching the Gospel to them but we build the saints through the
teaching of the Gospel. We organize conference meetings and seminars
where we teach God’s people the word of God. We are open to churches,
campus fellowships and organizations that value what we do. We have a
mobile training school for Pastors, Evangelists, Apostles, Prophets,
Teachers, Deacons, Elders and Christian workers on how to win souls
effectively using various methods. We would love to train everyone in
your ministry on how they can effectively win souls. Feel free to contact
us for details and modus operandi of training: [email protected]
The world needs Jesus and this has prompted us to support missions
and missionaries that have decided to work the field of souls. The world
population is above 7.3 Billion and only less that 35% are Christians
according to Operation world 2010 statistics. There are 40.6% of people
in the world that have not heard the name Jesus neither do they have a
church in their community. This amounts to 2.84 billion or 41.1% of
humanity. This statistics should stir a passion in you to preach, go to the
mission field or support missions. To partner with us by supporting
missions, kindly fill the form below.
We have been spreading the Gospel in prints for years. Thousands of
prints are rolled out yearly, we believe in the power of the printed word
brooded upon by the Holy Spirit to win Souls. We print gospel tracts (
Engish and French) in thousands to be distributed at Christian bookshops.
Our bulletins are freely distributed on different campuses and churches
nationwide. Our tract and bulletin publications have blessed lives and
gained wide acceptance on campuses, in different Christian circles even
outside Nigeria. Feel free to contact us for free tracts and publications for
Evangelism by filling the form below.
Across the globe, we reach out to thousands of people with God’s word
on daily basis. Testimonies are pouring from different parts of the world,
Canada, U.S., South Africa, Nigeria and other nations of the world about
the impact of our daily devotional. God has been transforming lives
through our daily devotional. You can enrich your spiritual life by joining
our team of online daily devotional readers, LIKE our facebook page:
We have short video clips of our outreaches on youtube, watch what God
is doing on several mission fields by clicking the button
God blessed us with a portion of land in Tigbo-Ilu, Ogun state- Nigeria.
We are building an office complex, training centre, retreat centre and mini camp there. The project is a multi-million naira project. Let us build together. You can send your support to our building account:
Account Number: 3075209516
Bank: First Bank of Nigeria
Account Name: ProjectSave International Ministry Inc.
Now that you know what we do, we would be glad to have you join our 1million star partners that will use their finances to spread the Gospel to the nations of the earth proclaiming the power in the blood of Jesus to save, heal and deliver. Do not say I will wait till I am super-rich before I make donations, the little in your hands that you can willingly give will make a whole lot of difference. You can send your money to the field of souls. Let the Holy Spirit lay it in your heart to partner with us:
Account Number: 2023885279- First Bank of Nigeria
Account Name: Projectsave International Ministry
Soul-winning without intercession is like pouring water into a basket.
According to Ezek22:30, God is looking for men that will stand in the gap, take territories, shake kingdoms and rake in a bountiful harvest into His Kingdom through heart-felt prayers. You can daily pray for us and souls in your prayer time but if you want to join our prayer team, click the
link below and fill our form.
If you are a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, medical laboratory scientist, microbiologist, psychologist, linguist, graphic artist, musician or maybe there are skills you possess that can glorify God, kindly fill the form
If you would love to be part of our ministry as a volunteer that will join
us in our trips, meetings or use your talent to serve the master, kindly fill
the form below.
All praise and glory to God alone who called us and committed into our hands this divine burden of saving the lost souls from the unreached nations of the world. He also granted that daily, we build up the saints by the washing of the water of the word through our daily devotionals. This mandate we have committed to faithfully in the past eleven years as God has enabled us.
Click here for a chronicle of the places and people groups we have reached with the gospel and with testimonies following by the grace of God.
1Corinthians 7:5-6, “Defraud ye not one the other, EXCEPT IT BE WITH CONSENT for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer;
The answer is a straight NO. There are certain things you should know about porn movies. Most porn characters you see are not normal human
Romans 8:15, “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry,
Malachi 2:16,“I hate divorce, says the LORD God of Israel”. If God hates divorce, then you should know it is wrong for anyone to divorce
This question doesn’t have a straight answer as we must first look into the bible for light on the matter. 1Corinthians 6:1-8, Paul spoke strongly
In the bible (old and new), the word ‘wine’ was used about 231 times in KJV and 234 times in NIV. In most of the