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The world needs Jesus. This is the reason for our vigorous engagement in evangelistic missions to the unreached and unevangelized.
Global Impact
Current world population and growing
Total distinct people groups worldwide
People groups with less than 2% evangelical Christians
Of world population (3.39 billion people)
Total Christians worldwide (all denominations)
Evangelical Christians per unreached people group
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70,000 people die daily and cross into Christ-less eternity without hearing about Christ.
8 countries reached so far
Several people groups impacted
One Gospel for all nations
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Soul-winning without intercession is like pouring water into a basket. According to Ezek22:30, God is looking for men that will stand in the gap, take territories, shake kingdoms and rake in a bountiful harvest into His Kingdom through heart-felt prayers.
Join Prayer ForceIf you are a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, medical laboratory scientist, microbiologist, psychologist, linguist, graphic artist, musician or maybe there are skills you possess that can glorify God, join our skilled partners team.
Partner with SkillsIf you would love to be part of our ministry as a volunteer that will join us in our trips, meetings or use your talent to serve the master, join our ground force team.
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Now that you know what we do, we would be glad to have you join our 1 million star partners that will use their finances to spread the Gospel to the nations of the earth proclaiming the power in the blood of Jesus to save, heal and deliver. Do not say "I will wait till I am super-rich before I make donations", the little in your hands that you can willingly give will make a whole lot of difference. You can send your money to the field of souls. Let the Holy Spirit lay it in your heart to partner with us:
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A powerful gathering of young people passionate about spreading the gospel
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