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Biblical Answers for Today's Questions

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This is a theological subject that requires patience in learning or else, it could be misconstrued as trying to "rewrite" the bible whereas it is not....

For many years, I was made to believe Jephthah sacrificed his daughter by slaying her like an animal. Most of us still believe he did but, reading thr...

The 'Allah' debate has been on before I was born and till now, well-meaning Christians, theologians and missiologists have been battling to clear the...

I grew up hearing that all Arabs are descendants of Ishmael and that majority of them are Muslims. In fact, when I hear Middle East, what comes to min...

According to Ephesians 4:11, there is no mention of the office of the reverend. It is used as a title for those in the five-fold ministry today. Thoug...

Genesis 6:1-4, “When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the SONS OF GOD saw that the daughters of men were...

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