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Judges13:12 Manoah said, “Now let Your words come to pass! What will be the boy’s rule of life, and his work?” NKJV

I heard the story of a great preacher in America who decided to send his son for training in a particular field different from what God intended of his son.

The young boy had the call of God into ministry but his father felt his family can’be all about preachers. He wanted something secular at least.

His son became frustrated and later committed suicide. The young man was raised for something different from his destiny. This preacher regretted his action.

It is not enough to know God’s plan for our children. After knowing what God has in plan, we must raise them to fulfill it.

When the angel appeared to Manoah telling him about the son his wife would give birth to and his purpose for coming into the world, he asked a profound question that struck me.

To paraphrase it, what he asked was: How shall we train this child to fulfil his destiny? That’s very specific.

Manoah sensed that Samson had an uncommon destiny and as such, there must be a blue print for training him so that he can fulfil his uncommon destiny. The angel gave them the blue print on how to raise him.

Every child has come to the world to fulfill an uncommon destiny. Don’t wait for a special revelation or angelic visitation before you believe that.

Your duty is to ask the Holy Spirit for the training blue print of each of your children. This teaching may sound unfamiliar but I was taught by the Holy Spirit in my study.

You see, parenting is spiritual, that’s why you cannot do it in the flesh. Some parents trained their children out of destiny. They insisted their children must help fulfill their own failed dreams.

Some gave their children the best of education in that regard but God had a different plan for those children.

You’re meant to train your child(ren) in line with God’s purpose not just your desire.

I won’t forget my mum telling me: “You know you’re a man of God”. Now, she said that statement at a crucial time in my life when I would have abandoned God’s assignment for my life and pursue other things.

She knew a little about God’s mind for me and she did her best for me in that regard. She’s one of the reasons I’m in ministry today.

Aside the inspiration of the Spirit, i’m writing devotionals today because she trained me to write lessons from my daily study of the word. She demanded we submit our notes for evaluation.

Till date, writing lessons from scriptures including sermon preparation is so easy for me. Someone raised me that way because it aligns with my assignment.

Parents, pay the price to know God’s mind concerning the purpose of each of your seeds and train them in accordance to the revealed will of God for their lives.

ACTION: What do you think would have happened if Joseph&Mary forced Jesus to become a carpenter/farmer? Jesus may not fulfil His purpose for coming to the world. That’s what will happen when children are ordered out of God’s purpose for their lives.