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Deuteronomy 7:26 "Do not bring any detestable objects into your home, for then you will be destroyed, just like them. You must utterly detest such things, for they are set apart for destruction" ( NLT)

Years back, a brother shared a true life story with me about his step mother. His dad remarried after his mom passed on to glory.

His dad's wife waited on God for the fruit of the womb for a while but nothing happened. Through revelation, the Lord revealed the cause of the delay.
The delay was caused by the presence of a demonized gift in their house. They did not know about this but the Spirit of God revealed it.

During their wedding, they received a gift and placed it on the t.v. for aesthetics not knowing it was demonized. They removed it. Not long after, this woman conceived and gave birth.

It is not every gift you collect. You must be sensitive to the Spirit to know what to accept and what to reject. God need to open our prophetic eye to see things.

Some gifts are demonized to cause battles and problems into your life. I heard of someone who received belt as a wedding gift. As he wore the belt, he became impotent. A minister was given an edible gift. When his eyes open, what he saw was snake.

In the text above, God warned the children of Israel not to bring in a destestable object into their home. That instruction applies to us as well.

Some battles are caused by the presence of certain objects around us. Some people are fond of collecting items from people not knowing the source. It is not everything that looks attractive that is ordinary.

In buses, some vendors sell charmed items. The vendors may tell them those items are for quick sales, favour or breakthrough.  Anytime I travel, I see people buy these items for good reasons not knowing they are bringing something detestable into their homes.

In fact, If you are sensitive, you don't buy your groceries from just anyone. Some of the people who sell basic household items are demonic.   As you bring in those items, a series of battles begin. You need to be sensitive to know where to buy your basic items. This is not to make you demon conscious but to awaken you to certain spiritual realities.

Some books, magizines, graphic designs, tapes and CDs should not be found around you. They are destestable. Any pornographic content is demonic. They introduce demons into lives of readers. I have read a so called spiritual book before and my mind got attacked by demons. The spirit behind it was not of God. I discarded those books to keep my sanity.

Some books, music and movies were dedicated to demons. Heard about how a musician dedicated her album to demons so that Christians can buy it. It happened. Over four hundred thousand copies were sold in a few weeks.

Action Point:

If you have anything in your possession that is not of God, dispose them. Prayerfully ask God to show you things that need to be removed from your house and surrounding.

Posted on Jan 24, 2025