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1 Kings 9:4 *“As for you, if you will follow me with integrity and godliness, as David your father did, obeying all my commands, decrees, and regulations, [5] then I will establish the throne of your dynasty over Israel forever. For I made this promise to your father, David: ‘One of your descendants will always sit on the throne of Israel*".

Sometimes, when we read our bible, we do not pay attention to certain things or words like "If", "unless" or "except". Overlooking conditional words like these is the reason for misinterpretation of certain scriptures.

In the text above, God promised to establish Solomon's dynasty forever but he gave two conditions for the fulfillment of that promise.

The first condition is integrity. What is integrity? It is being honest and having strong moral principles. This virtue must be seen in the various facets of our lives.

For anyone to rise and be sustained at the top, the virtue of integrity must be in place.You must have integrity in words, with money and women. Somehow, you and I are writing divine examinations in these areas for our lifting  but we might not know.

It doesn't cost God anything to lift people up but the price it will cost the person who wishes to rise and stay at the top is integrity.

The second condition is godliness. What does it mean? It is to be devout and pious. God doesn't want us to lose our devotion to him for one seconds.

Daniel rose to the top and was still committed to praying thrice daily such that the only offense they could charge him for was tied to his devotion. Solomon became king and lost his devotion.  Rehoboam reaped the consequences in his time.

If you are still struggling to pray, study your bible or attend weekly services when you have not become busy, what happens when you rise to the top and everyone in town needs your attention?

I observe that a preacher can lose his devotion because of invitations here and there. That is why no serious minister should put ministry above his personal walk with God.

Don't love ministry more than the one who called you into ministry. That your face is on every poster and billboard doesn't necessarily mean everything is fine in your walk with God. When was the last time you had a personal retreat and prayed for long hours?

A man who will not lose his devotion because he rises to the top is an asset to heaven.


Action Point:

Check your life and ask If these two virtues are there. If not, ask the Lord to help you cultivate them.

Posted on Mar 01, 2025