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Joshua 3;5 * Consecrate yourselves for the Lord is about to do amazing things among you*


One of the hardest thing to surrender unto God is our will. In a world where self dependency and sufficiency is preached, the carnal man will find it hard to say "Lord, take my will".

Our will is that component/ aspect of our minds responsible for making choices and decisions. Often, most decisions made by humans are products of information not revelation.

God's desire is that we walk with him by revelation and not just information only. That revelation starts with the written word because God's pattern is clearly laid bare before us in scriptures. Other revelations we see must align with scriptures.

One danger of a will not surrendered to God is that decisions made will be in opposition to His will most times. In as much as God himself gave us that will to make decisions, he desires that we submit our will to him so that our decisions will align with his will for our lives.

Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding".

The reason you are resisting the will of God for your life is because you are yet to surrender your will to him. You're still ambitious, full of self.

Probably, God is calling you into the ministry or he is demanding that you do something that is not convenient for the flesh. That is where we'll know how yielded your will is.

Giving God reasons why you cannot fully obey him is a sign that he has not taken your will. You are considering the cost of obedience and what you stand to lose if you say "Yes Lord".

Today, I want you to pray that your will be lost in his will. France Ridely Havergal said:


Action Point:

Take my will, and make it Thine; It shall be no longer mine. Take my heart; it is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne.

Posted on Jan 05, 2025