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1 Samuel 1:9-10 * Onece after a sacrificial meal at Shiloh, Hannah got up and went to pray. Eli the priest was sitting at his customary place beside the entrance of the Tabernacle. (10) Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord.(NLT)

Another synonym for heartfelt prayer is fervent or passionate prayers. A prayer that permeates the whole of our being not just some casual words spoken repetitively.

The bible says, "Confess and acknowledge how you have offended one another and then pray for one another to be instantly healed, for tremendous power is released through the PASSIONATE,HEARTFELT PRAYER of a godly believer!" (James 5:16 TPT).

The only prayer that shakes heaven and moves God to act is heartfelt, passionate and earnest prayer.

I have been among praying men and women. Most of them belong to the generation we call 'Old School'. Their devotion to prayer and the manner of their prayers is drastically different from ours. They are passionate about it. They suspend every other thing to pray when it is time.

When they pray, the whole of their being is involved. While my generation look at their make-up and dressing in prayers so they won't be unruffled, that 'Old School' generation don't care. They just want to touch heaven and move God in their favour.

It is only in my generation you'll see men go to the place of prayer with camera and media. Some want camera to capture their prayer moments. That kind of prayer is not heartfelt, it is without passion.

Praying men and women see prayer as a lifeline for fellowship not showmanship.

When you pray and you are too conscious of yourself and your environment, your prayer is not heartfelt. Hannah prayed passionately, she poured her hearts out to God not minding who was looking. Eli even thought she was drunk.

I have read books about praying men of old in contemporary history of the church. All I can say is that the difference is clear. Their prayers were heartfelt, passionate prayers.

One of them prayed till his body got swollen with God's presence. He said, "Take thy hands off thy servant because your servant can burst"( paraphrase).

Only passionate & hrartfelt prayer brings down the manifest presence of God. We must restore this lost art of prayer by the help of the Spirit.









Action Point:

Father, I receive a fresh baptism of prayer. May my dead prayer life be restored and rejuvenated to touch God in Jesus name.

Posted on Feb 09, 2025