I once heard about an incident that happened to one of our fathers in the land. He was a devoted prophet and evangelist who terrified the kingdom of darkness but his interpreter of many years was a witch.
This was a man who scattered and empty covens in many places. Witches confessed in his meetings. His spiritual vision was sharp and accurate yet he did not know his closest ally of many years was a witch until it pleases God to reveal who she was.
When the son of that Shunamite woman died in the bible, she rushed to meet Elisha the prophet. She was distressed but Elisha did not know the reason for her distress.
Elisha said, "...and the LORD hath hid it from me, and hath not told me ( 2 Kings 4:27). Now, Elisha's prophetic ministry was unique. He saw visions for the nation of Israel that helped them from Aramean invasion yet the Lord hid the reason for the distress of that woman from him.
That tells us something about our limitations as humans. No man on earth is omniscient no matter how gifted the person is in the prophetic. No prophet knows everything. Stop relating with prophets as though they know everything.
There are believers who put prophets in the place of God. They deify and put them in a class where God did not put them, whereas, some prophets who see visions about others may not see certain things about themselves. They fail to recognize that God working through men doesn't make men God.
Do not put prophets under pressure to perform or give revelations. If you do, a prophet under pressure might come up with something that is not in God's mind. This account for the reason we have so many "Thus Saith the Lord" that is not from the Lord. Beware.