The death of Joshua and men of his generation came with a bad remark. Though they ended well in terms of their relationship with God, possession of lands that God promised but they failed to pass the baton of faith to the next generation.
Their generation were instructed in the ways of God and taught his precepts and laws. They understood the place of the priesthood and fellowship with Yahweh but they did not teach their children these things.
A godly and devoted generation raised a generation that became ungodly. What a pity! Today, there is a semblance of that failure in the way many parents are raising their children.
They strive to put them in good schools, feed them properly, get a good shelter, get good dresses and plan for their future even to the point of buying assets that are transferable but nothing is done about Christian education and instiling biblical values.
If we continue like this, we risk raising a generation that will know so much about our history of devotion, piety and consecration but know nothing about God in terms of having relationship with him. I have seen sons of praying mothers who are not praying. I have seen daughters of devoted father who are not devoted to the God of their fathers.
At a time, Europe was the beacon of the gospel light globally. We read about a generation of puritans who doesn't play with sin and were keen on deep fellowship with God. Through them, God wrought great revivals but they failed to carry their children along.
They went everywhere doing missions, spreading the gospel but they did not evangelize their families. Today, their generation are now selling the cathedrals they built to clubs and other ungodly groups. Their children are now at the forefront of promoting LGBTQIA.
If we labour so hard in God and we don't teach our children our biblical values, doctrines, art of devotion and ways of doing things, Satan may hijack them for himself.
Let your children be part of your spiritual life. It may seem they are not interested but a seed is dropping into their spirit.
Let them see you praying and studying the bible and make them do same. It is contagious. With time, they'll get used to it.