In the context of this teaching, the anointed of the Lord refers to those called into the five fold ministry to lead the church. I know you might say all of us are anointed. That's true but the context of my teaching is different. It is specific.
I read a true life story on Dr Ebele Uzor's facebook wall years back. The story was about a priest that was accused of embezzling church funds by some people in the church. The accusation was audacious and without an iota of honour for the man's calling. The matter shook the whole church but a strange thing happened.
All the accusers died one after the other. That shook everyone. To cap it all, the priest himself died and a great fear came upon the whole church community. Probably, it was God's judgement. This story was told to Dr Ebele Uzor by another priest whom he visited warning him against standing against those God has called.
In the opening text, Saul commanded his men to strike the priests whom he wrongly accused of conspiring against him but these men discerned what it is to be anointed by the Lord and they refrained from killing the servants of God. They knew that the judgement of a true servant of God was not in the hands of any man but God.
Similar event played out in the story between David and Saul. In his backsliden state, Saul deserved to die considering his hatred for David. He had lost touch with God and David had been anointed to take over from him. David had several opportunities to kill him so that he could ascend to the throne but David knew that a man that is anointed by God to lead his people should not be touched that way.
1 Samuel 24:5-6 says, "And it came to pass afterward, that David's heart smote him, because he had cut off Saul's skirt. [6] And he said unto his men, THE LORD FORBID THAT I SHOULD DO THIS THING UNTO MY MASTER, THE LORD'S ANOINTED, TO STRETCH FORTH MINE HAND AGAINST HIM, SEEING HE IS ANOINTED OF THE LORD".
Though Saul was backsliden, yet, David still regarded him as anointed and he refused to exercise judgement over him. That's a lesson for us all. The two cases above showed two classes of anointed men: the upright and the erring. Yet, out of discernment, those who had opportunity to exercise judgement refused to.
Our generation need to learn and understand certain spiritual order. Knowledge should not make us cross certain boundaries. Yes, we may not agree with all of what a man teaches, but our disagreement should not lead us into dishonouring his person. Even in his imperfections, the call of God is still on him. Know this and stay humble with your knowledge.
This internet generation is striking the Lord's anointed through bitter posts, unfounded accusations, gossips and use of words that aren't glorifying. I have seen a lot of this and it gives me concern. If David were alive, when tempted to post something bad about a preacher, he would say, "The Lord forbid that I post such against a man of God", just like he did when he had the opportunity to strike Saul.
Data bundle should not make you lose your senses. Ability to speak fine grammar should not make you forget courtesy and basic manners in talking to/about people especially men of God. The cancel culture popularly dubbed "vawulence" should not be exercised by the redeemed. We are a different breed.
Satan is recruting a mob to "strike" preachers online and onsite. Don't join them. When a preacher fails or falls short of certain standard, feel free to disagree with his errors (but you don't have to give it bad publicity) but honour his person.
Let me leave you with this scripture: "Who are you to condemn someone else’s servants? Their own master will judge whether they stand or fall. And with the Lord’s help, they will stand and receive his approval"( Romans 14:4 NLT).