During famine, God instructed Elijah to go to Zarephath to be fed by a widow after brook Cherith dried. That was an unusual instruction because a widow in that era is likely poor unlike today where women have some financial independence. How can God send a prophet to be fed by a widow?
The story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath is something that would earn Elijah a bad press if he were to live in our days. The news headline will look like this: "Prophets Extorts A Poor Widow".
Despite her poverty and lack, she prepared the last meal meant for her and her son for Elijah. In fact, Elijah demanded for it but she obeyed. Because of what she did, the bible says, "So she did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her family continued to eat for many days. [16] There was always enough flour and olive oil left in the containers, just as the Lord had promised through Elijah" (1 Kings 17:15-16 NLT).
She took care of a genuine servant of God even when it seemed she had nothing, it paid off. All through the famine, she lived in abundance. That's another secret of abundance that seems foolish but it works because it is in line with God's eternal design.
You open the door of abundance and supplies when you minister to the needs of genuine servants of God.
In my few years in the ministry, I observed that those who support ministers experience certain open doors and preservation. They are different. You may argue with this but this is my personal observation. I have seen God raise people like that from nothing to something, experience strange testimonies and lifting.
I have a question to ask you, when was the last time you ministered to the needs of a genuine preacher, when? The culture of stinginess pervading the earth teaching people to ignore preachers because of some perceived bad eggs among us is not to your advantage.
Those who subscribe to the cancel culture that target giving are robbed by Satan but they don't know they are missing something. Not all preachers are in ministry for gains. Not everyone is fake and you know it but because of stinginess, you hold on to flimsy excuses as an alibi for withholding your resources.
Throughout the scriptures, it is clear that the led and those fed spiritually by a man of God owe him the duty of providing for his needs. It is not something you do only when he is in need. It is your duty.
Have you read Galatians 6:6? It says, "Those who are taught the word of God should provide for their teachers, sharing all good things with them". This is new testament. There are other scriptures in the new testament canon saying the same thing.
If a man is labouring over you in the word and prayers even to the point of fasting with you, that's someone deserving of your material support. Don't look away from his needs and say, "The God that called him should provide for him". How will God do that If not through human agents like you and me?
Do not short change yourself. If that widow had withheld her resources from Elijah, she may have died of hunger but she obeyed and was better for it. You have a choice to make.