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Genesis 39:5 * From that day Joseph was put in charge of his master's household and property, the Lord began to blesd Portiphar's household for Joseph's sake. All his household affairs ran smoothly, and his crops and livestock flourished.* (NLT)

There are certain truths written on the pages of scriptures that we overlook. It takes the Holy Spirit to open and unveil them to us. One of such truths is what our associations can make of us.

I discovered the power of association reading the life of Joseph. He was a slave living with Potiphar in Egypt. In the opening text, it is on record that Potiphar's household became blessed because of a slave boy named Joseph.

Same applies to the association between Laban and Jacob. Laban acknowledged that he became blessed because of Jacob.

Genesis 30:27 says, "Please listen to me,' Laban replied. 'I have become wealthy, FOR THE LORD HAS BLESSED ME BECAUSE OF YOU" (NLT). This is a no brainer. It is what it is.

Who you follow determines what follows you.

You must be intentional about who you walk with. You must discern the operating force behind the lives of those you associate with or those who want to associate with you.

Associating with a blessed man can make blessings rub on you.

Those who boarded ship with Jonah had a stormy journey because of a man that was walking against the will of God. The divine hand of God against Jonah almost caused problem for other passengers If not for divine intervention (Jonah 1).

Some were victims of accidents because they boarded same vehicle with someone marked to die by accident or they were plying the same road with someone who was a target of the enemy.

Several years ago, an investigative journalist in Nigeria, Kola Olawuyi by name revealed the confession of a witch who intended to kill a newly wedded couple. In the process of trying to kill just two people, one hundred and fifty (150) people lost their lives to an inferno. They burnt beyond recognition and were buried in a mass grave beside the road at the entrance of Ile Ife, Nigeria. You can fact check this on google.

The sin of Achan brought untimely death to many all because they shared citizenship with a man who did what was forbidden. There was no remedy until God revealed the cause (Joshua 7).

It is glaring that the blessings on a blessed man can rub on others, likewise, the curses on an accursed man can rub on those who associate with him.

Not everyone should be on your team. Some pastors would have had a prosperous ministry but they have a wrong associate who has a combination of Absalomic and Judas' anointing with a touch of Gehazi spirit. With such in the pastorate, growth will be elusive.

Before you employ anyone to work with you, pray well and be sure you are not employing the person that will run your company down. Not every passenger in a vehicle will get to their destination. That's why you must pray before going out.

Singles, you can run into certain troubles in life through marriage If you don't pray well. Choose your battles wisely. It is better to marry a prayer partner than to marry a prayer point.  

There is power in association. Those who underestimate what flows into ones life from associations lack spiritual intelligence.


Action Point:

Father, I receive the grace to discern my associations rightly in Jesus name.

Posted on Dec 30, 2024