When we talk about integrity, God is in a class of his own. No one can match him in that. As humans, we make promises and fail but God doesn't fail whenever he makes promises.
The opening text says, "Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true". This is profound.
Whatever God says is enough for your faith. His promises to you is the foundation of your faith. That is, when God speaks, or whatever you find written in God's word is bound to happen If you believe.
Faith begins when God's word is found.
If you want to live a life of victory over circumstances of life, find the promises of God in his word concerning that pressing issue of life and place your faith there.
Whatever God promised his people in bible days can apply to your life today. If he promised health, wealth and long life, you can appropriate same today. Whatever he said before, he is still saying today. If he promised health and victory, he is still promising same today If only you can believe.
God's word doesn't fail. You can bank on it.