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Genesis 2:24 *Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh*


A preacher shared his experience about a demonic visitation he had after criticizing another preacher who divorced his wife. A demon appeared to him and introduced itself as "spirit of divorce".

For those who doubt spiritual realities, that may sound weird but we know nothing happens in the physical without spirits backing it in the spirit realm. It is clear that there are demons backing the chaos we see in most marriages.

Globally, there is an epidemic of divorce in an unusual proportion. It wouldn't have been an issue if the people of covenant were exempted. Unfortunately, the church is not exempted.

August 28th, 2024, Premium Times reported that Maldives have the highest divorce rate in the world because most of their women are financially independent and do not need a man. More so, there is no stigma attached to it in that country.

Nigeria was reported to have reached 2.9% in divorce rate in 2023 surpassing Canada, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Peru, Saint Vincent and Grenadines. This is Satan at work and God is not pleased with it.

Anytime you see chaos in the family, separation and divorce, just know that Satan is behind it. He knows that If he can successfully attack the family unit, he can get the church and the society.

Satan seeks to corrupt the next generation by causing rift leading to divorce in families. Children from such homes are likely to repeat the same pattern their parents laid because no one modeled a working marriage to them.

The goodnews is that God is not sleeping over this matter. The proliferation of quality marriage&family life ministries is a pointer to the fact that God wants to correct so many anomalies in the family institution using His word as the correctional manual.

This is one of the numerous things God is doing in our time.

Anywhere you have the opportunity to guide singles aright so they don't build on a wrong marital foundation, please do. Don't join the bandwagon of those who encourage singles to marry outside God's will. Don't teach them to marry unbelievers because of love.

If you are privileged to help families unite, please, do it joyfully. Do not be instrumental to the scattering of homes.


Action Point:

Uniting families and making tgem fulfill God's purpose by raising godly seeds is an important agenda on God's list this endtime. Partner with Gid in this.

Posted on Feb 01, 2025