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Genesis 45 :5 * But don't be upset, and don't be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives* (NLT)

We know the story of Joseph. Most of us were introduced to his person and history from our days in children sunday school classes.

After he became second-in-command to Pharoah, he had powers to do just anything he wanted. When his brothers showed up in Egypt, he had the power to take his pound of flesh and deal with them ruthlessly.

Instead, he said, "God has sent me ahead of you to keep you and your families alive and to preserve many survivors. [8] So it was God who sent me here, not you! And he is the one who made me an adviser to Pharaoh—the manager of his entire palace and the governor of all Egypt"( Genesis 45:7-8).

Only a meek man could have said that. I still ask myself If I won't act out my grievances If I was in Joseph's shoes.  Only meek people will refuse to revenge when they have all the powers to do so.

Some bible scholars relate the etymology of the word meekness in Greek to a war horse under control. A war horse is powerful, very powerful. Yet, it is expected of the horse to bring his power under control of its rider. That is meekness.

Ability to control oneself while in power or say the ability not to abuse power is what defines meekness. When people use power to take their pound of flesh on others, they fail the test of meekness.

Joseph passed the test of meekness. He had justifiable reasons for revenge. Instead, he pointed to his brothers how God used them to bring him into destiny.

Some of those fighting us are tools used by God to push us into destiny.

If you desire power because you want to settle scores with some people, you may not get it. God is too merciful to 'waste' his power on those who want to settle scores.


Action Point:

Father, put on me the garment of meekness in Jesus name.

Posted on Dec 31, 2024