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2 Corinthians 5:20 *So we are christ's ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, "Come back to God"*(NLT)


I once posted on my facebook wall cautioning against rude behaviour and comments on social media because it is a pointer to the quality of discipleship and home training received.

I have seen Gen Z and millenials abuse elders. Most times, people make excuse for their bad manners citing it as a behaviour peculiar to their generation. For me, bad manners is not a generation thing but a reflection of poor discipleship and home training.

Every believer represents two instituitions online and offline: The Church and Family. Your social media activity is a pointer to the quality of discipleship received and home training.

I know the fans of certain preacher who will go to any length to abuse and denigrate anyone who has differing biblical views. It is their identity. Somehow, seeing how that trait is common to them, one can conclude it is a reflection of discipleship and home training received.

I know another young preacher who does same as well. He is always prompt to "attack" other preachers. He doesn't hide their identities. He will post the picture of whom he has doctrinal differences with and do a bitter write up to back it up. He is full of bile and bitterness.

I am not against doing polemics and apologetics as long as it is done in love. Someone must teach to correct errors. It is biblical. However, using gutter language to bring correction is ungodly. It corrupts the truth that should edify.

Dear believer, your activity online should not bring shame to Christ and your family. Beware of what will make people say you lack basic home training. You are an ambassador of Christ and your family.

If being woke is being disrespectful, stop being woke


Action Point:

You must not comment on everything. Your opinion might not be beeded as you think. Learn to keep silent.

Posted on Jan 20, 2025