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Luke 12:32. So don't be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom. (NLT)


At the inception of our ministry, when we wanted to host the first outreach, I felt all alone because I was a rookie. I needed money to fund the program but I had none except N2,000. I was a fresh graduate seeking postgraduate admission.

However, as I prayed,  God pointed my attention to leveraging on relationships i've built over time to get the necessary support needed for the program. It was a huge success. Till date, we are still leveraging on our cordiality with people to get them involved in what we do.

A vision carrier must be a people person. If you are prayerful and anointed but have poor interpersonal relational skill, you will not go far.

God will not give you an assignment that will exclude your need for people.

Christ came to the world with the mandate to save but certain details of that ultimate assignment required the input of people. He built a team of 12 disciples whom he related with and poured himself into for three and half years.

Though he is the messiah, yet he couldn't do his ministry without the input of people. The bible told us about some women who supported and ministered to his needs. This could only have happened because he nurtured relationships that benefited his ministry.

Luke 8:3 says, "Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s business manager; Susanna; and many others who were contributing from their own resources to support Jesus and his disciples" ( NLT)

For the fulfilment of your vision, you must have skills to  attract and retain people. You will achieve this when you learn how to build relational skills.

Some fight with people everywhere they go yet they have a great vision. How will you be at loggerheads with people and still expect them to contribute their quota to your vision?

God's method is people. He can run his programs on earth without man but he has decided not to do it without man. That shows how important mankind is to divine programs on earth.

Love people genuinely and do not take people for granted. You never can tell whom God will use as a support for your vision. Love God but never forget to honour men.

Action Point:

As you pray for the gift of men for your vision, know that what attracts them is your person but what retains them is how well you relaye with them.

Posted on Dec 14, 2024