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Dueteronomy 7:3-4 NLT *You must not intermarry with them. Do not let your daughters and sons marry their sons and daughters, (4) for they will lead your children away from me to worship other gods. Then the anger of the Lord will burn against you, and he will quickly destroy you*.

Years back, I ministered in a youth program. I can't remember the exact thing I spoke about but I remember that a lady engaged me in a conversation after my ministration.

She told me an unbeliever was asking for her hand in marriage. Further, she said there was another Christian brother she liked but he wasn't forthcoming. She wanted to hear from me If she could go ahead with the muslim guy.

I told her the bible forbids such marriage. She thanked me and left. Later, I saw her wedding pictures online with heavy pregnancy. I asked her friend who was close to me about the whole thing. She narrated the whole thing to me. Much later, she complained to her friend she wasn't finding it easy in her marriage.

I am privileged to have spoken to people who married unbelievers, especially women. The testimony of regrets and heart pain runs through their conversation with me. An unbeliever will truly show his/her colour.

I know there are a few Christians who still romance the idea of marrying unbelievers. Some of them will say, "Love and understanding is what matters". How can an unbeliever understand love? They may know how to care but they don't have the capacity to love because the seed is not in them.

The bible says, "Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?"( 2 Corinthians 6:14). The bible calls an unbeliever "darkness". Light and darkness cannot cohabit.

Anyone that is not under the control and supervision of the Holy Spirit is a dangerous person to marry. They can do anything".

Inclusive in my list of unbelievers are church goers who have not met with Christ. They may be in the choir, unshering unit, prayer band, etc. Those people that are called nominal christians are not different from unbelievers.

At the onset, the unbeliever may act nice but the niceness of a man that is not in Christ cannot be trusted. Do not be deceived by gifts, flowers, show of courtesy and concern. It is just to groom you into saying "Yes". Satan is a good groomer.

Another major reason a Christian should not marry an unbeliever is because there is a great tendency to drift away from the Lord and backslide If one marry unbeliever. That is what happened to King Solomon. He became an idolater because of the numerous unbelieving women he married.

1 Kings 11 says,  "King Solomon loved many foreign women... 2 They came from the nations about which the Lord had said to the people of Israel, “Never intermarry with them. They will surely tempt you to follow their gods.” But Solomon was obsessed with their love... 4 In his old age, his wives tempted him to follow other gods. He was no longer committed to the Lord his God as his father David had been " ( GW)

Marrying an unbeliever lays a bad foundation for the children because there is a high tendency they won't know the Lord. In fact, when a believer marries an unbeliever, the target are the unborn generation. Satan plans to evangelize them for hell and destruction.


Action Point:

Dear single, do not even consider an unbeliever or a nominal Christian for marriage. You don't need to pray about them because it is written.

Posted on Jan 23, 2025