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Joshua 9:14-16 *So the Isrealites examined their food, but they dod not consult the Lord (15) Then Joshua made a peace treaty and guaranteed their safety, and the leaders of the community ratified their agreement with a binding oath* (NLT)

MDuring the conquest of Joshua, fear came on many nations who heard about what the Lord had done for the Jews. Those days, the possession of lands was through battles. The winner possessed lands.

The Gibeonites heard about the exploits of Joshua. This brought fear on them because they were the next in line to be conquered so they devised a plot to deceive Joshua into making a peace treaty with them. They wore rags, lied to Joshua that they were from a distant land far from those lands to be conquered.

Joshua and his team did not consult the Lord to check the veracity of their claims. Later, they realized they had been deceived by the Gibeonities but it was too late to reverse their decision.  Blindly, they made a peace treaty with them so they could be spared from the conquest of Joshua.

When we fail to consult the Lord, we fall for Satan's deception. That is exactly what happens when we refuse to ask the Lord what should be done.

Marriage is a good example of this. A number of believers regretting their marital choice did not consult God genuinely. That is not to say they didn't pray but not with a sincere heart. They already have made up minds. It is common to hear believers say things like, "You decide what you want and then take your choice to God".

Isn't it surprising that some believers married out of tribal/ethnic sentiment? I am appalled hearing some believers say things like: "In our family, we don't marry from that side". I heard a man say, "Our star doesn't marry fair people". Some believers consult Zodiac signs to determine their choices. Little wonder why they were deceived.

It is not bad to have personal preferences but when we maintain a posture of rigidity in the place of enquiry, we enter into Satan's deception.

It is impossible to seek the Lord genuinely and still miss it. God is not interested in our errors. When life decisions are made emotionally, error is inevitable.

That business proposal, that seemingly good idea, that decision you're about to make as regards marriage, relocation and career, have you consulted the Lord? What is he saying to you?



Action Point:

Father, I will not be deceived in Jesus name.

Posted on Jan 28, 2025