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2 Kings 5:10-11 *"But Elisha sent a messenger out to him with this message: “Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River. Then your skin will be restored, and you will be healed of your leprosy*”.

Rev Isaac Omolehin told a story about his encounter with Prophet Obadare years back. He consulted him for prayers about his persistent problem which defied fasting.  He traveled far to meet with the man of God.

When he got there, the late prophet Obadare told him to kneel for prayers. As he knelt, the prophet remained silent without saying a word. Later, he told him to do certain things to get his problem solved.

Rev Isaac Omolehin asked If he could just say a word of prayer. He expected the prophet to engage in fiery prayers but none of that happened. Reluctantly, he left for his base. He did what he was instructed to do and that was the end of his problem.

I can relate his experience with that of Naaman before prophet Elisha. He expected Elisha to wave his hand over the leprosy and call on God's name but he did none of that. The instruction was too cheap/ easy but through obedience, he got his healing.

The supernatural does not have to be spectacular to produce result. Sometimes, we expect God to work in certain ways that are dramatic, whereas, God can wrought wonders in ways that are not spectacular.

Some expect God to speak audibly or hear thunderous rumblings, noisome earthquakes and vibrations while hearing God but he may speak through a child and not come through those dramatic means. I have experienced this severally as regards hearing God.

We love to hear or see something spectacular in our meetings. I love it too but I have trained myself to understand that supernatural things doesn't happen with spectacular manifestation always.

Some come to the healing line thinking that once hands are laid on them, they'll feel a fire burning in their bodies or a cold sensation. It may happen for some that way but getting healed won't happen like that always. We walk by faith not by sight or emotions.

For instance, it is not compulsory for people to fall under the anointing and roll on the floor before miracles happen. God can touch them while sitting down but some preachers feel nothing has happened in a meeting where people did not fall or roll on the floor. They may go back to the place of prayer asking God why nothing happened, whereas, God performed his wonders his own way.


Action Point:

When you come into God's presence, your expectation should not be tied to spectacular happenings. Allow God do what he wants to do in his own way just have faith.

Posted on Mar 08, 2025