My story during the COVID-19 lockdown remains evergreen in my memory. I have shared it severally and will continue to share so that people will know it pays to obey God's leading and instructions.
In my life time, we have not experienced anything like a global lockdown before. It came suddenly and it was as though nothing would happen in terms of flow of money. The little money on me, I gave out a substantial part of it as led.
The Lord instructed I sell an e-book I wrote and use the money as palliatives for those in need. Sales from the book and gifts towards the palliative raked in over eight hundred thousand naira only. Faithfully, I shared the monies to those in need without taking a dime from it yet I was in need. Not long after that season of obedience, my heaven of divine supply opened.
During famine, the Lord provided for Elijah by giving instructions on how he'll get supply of food. At first, he was instructed to go to brook Cherith to be fed by ravens. After brook Cherith dried, he was instructed to go to a widow in Zarephath and get supplies.
1 Kings 17:8-9 syas, "Then the Lord said to Elijah, [9] “Go and live in the village of Zarephath, near the city of Sidon. I have instructed a widow there to feed you" (NLT).
The world is experiencing a kind of famine that has caused people to migrate from one country to the other. One reason behind the mass migration of people from one country to another is the search for a better livelihood. The search for the proverbial green pasture is the drive. That is why migration is common among people from third world countries with poor economy and high level of poverty.
However, while the human response to economic hardship is migration, God's solution is to give specific instructions to his children.
The secret of abundance does not lie in your country of residence. The secret of abundance lies in your ability to hear God on where to get divine supplies during the season of economic hardship.
If Elijah had waited in Israel without going to brook Cherith by divine instruction, he could have died of hunger. When brook Cherith dried, If he had stayed there or returned to the city without listening to God on what next, he wouldn't have located the widow of Zarephath.
In life, there is a time to be fed by ravens at brook Cherith, denoting a supernatural supply that is strange. There is another time to be fed by human agents supernaturally placed on our path by God. All of these do not happen by chance, they happen by divine instruction.
Before joining the bandwagon, ask the Lord to lead you to where your endless supply is.