Most times, when the children of Jacob are mentioned, Dinah's name is not mentioned. Though the Jewish culture is patriachal but we saw a few instances where names of women were mentioned in family geneologies.
Notable among them is the geneology of Jesus in Matthew chapter 1. Five women were mentioned. It was not a mistake that these women were mentioned.
Back to the story of Dinah, I am of the opinion that her name would have been mentioned in Jacob's or Israel's geneology considering the fact of her uniqueness as the only female child of a great Jewish patriach. She may have been honoured as 'daddy's girl' but she lost her dignity because of sexual defilement.
Her family saw it as a defilement even on the image of Israel because such a thing should not be heard in all of Israel that a daughter of Israel had sexual relations with a Caananite. She was "de-filed". Her name was removed from the file of Israel.
Though she was raped but it was her decision to go visit the daughters of the land. It was during that visit to a people she shouldn't have visited Schechem saw her and arranged for her to be raped. We never can tell if one of those girls facilitated the rape.
While it wasn't Dinah's fault that she was raped, it was her fault to have visited the daughters of the land.
Those referred to as daughters of the land were idolatrous and sexually immoral. It was not possible to mingle with them without getting stained.
In fact, Abraham knew it that was why he instructed his servant not to get a wife for Isaac among them( Genesis 24:2-9).
Even Isaac, he was not happy that Esau married from among those "daughters of the land", they gave him and Rebecca serious problems (Genesis 26:35).
You can't have daughters of the land as in-laws and still have peace.
Dear daughter of Zion, you have no business visiting the daughters of the land let alone mingling with them. They will facilitate your defilement even against your wish. It is their stock-in-trade.
Do not let their fashion captivate you. They represent Jezebel and want to sell your soul to Satan. Relating with them always start well but it ends in shame and even death.
In Zion, we relate with fellow Zionites. We marry from Zion and not outside it or else we may lose our place in the roll call of honour.
Dear son of Zion, stop beholding the beauty of the daughters of the land. If you marry them for their beauty while neglecting their family tree, it will end in premium tears. We have all that we need in Zion.