As believers, another pitfall to avoid on social media is making enemies because of differing opinions and preferences.
This is common during election period. Friends become enemies on social media using unprintable names against each other because of political differences.
Most politicians whom they are fighting for have their own way of reconciling their differences especially when their interests become mutual. The politician you fight for may become the closest ally of the other politician you opposed.
Aside political differences, some believers have made enemies online due to theological differences. They fight friends with a differing theological opinion.
I have seen bitter theological arguments online where brethren called themselves "mumu" ( meaning fool), dull brain, stupid, etc. We don't need to sink low to make our points clear.
Theological arguments have been centuries before we were born and will remain centuries after we are gone. All of us will not understand the bible same way because our interpretation rules differ. So, why fight one another?
I am glad that our entry through the pearly gates of heaven won't be dependent on our denomination or theological leanings. Salvation by grace is enough, the blood is enough.
Picking fight with people because of a different political or theological opinion is the height of immaturity. Learn to disagree without becoming disagreeable.
The bible says, "Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters" (Hebrews 13:1 NLT).