The social media is not a place to answer everyone. The earlier you know this, the better your relationship with people on that space will be.
I found the instruction of Proverbs 26:4-5 very useful in dealing with people online and offline: "Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are. [5] Be sure to answer the foolish arguments of fools, or they will become wise in their own estimation"( Prov 26:4-5 NLT).
Knowing when to respond and when not to respond is wisdom. It is natural to give response but it takes wisdom to ignore issues that are not deserving of response.
There are people on social media seeking to argue or engage in strife. They love trouble. As they say, they are looking for whom to "drag".
To them, they get a trophy when they argue, abuse or show superiority of knowledge without listening to the views of others. Mark such people and don't dignify them with response.
Quite a number of persons with that attitude read posts to argue not to understand. It is embarrasing and unfortunate at the same time that someone who passed through school flout the rules of basic comprehension, then jump on posts they don't understand to stir unnecessary controversy.
As a child of God, don't be caught in the web of such heated arguments online. The moment you notice some persons are trying to drag you into their mud of argument, do not respond.
Also, you are free to block people that are toxic and offensive. The block button is a good way to keep your sanity.
There was a brother whose stock-in-trade was to castigate his former pastor and church. He was a bitter soul. When I noticed his bitterness was becoming infectious, I blocked him to help myself. I did that to a sister as well.