Recently, In my systematic theology class, I taught my student a branch of theology known as angelology. That is the study of angels. One point I made that stood out in that class was that there are more angels around us than the numbers present in our church meetings.
I referenced Hebrews 12:22(NLT) which says, "No, you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to COUNTLESS THOUSANDS OF ANGELS in a joyful gathering".
In our meetings, our numbers can be counted. At least, even If we cannot do a proper head count, our church halls have limited capacities they can contain yet the bible says when we come into God's presence in our numbers which could be millions in crusades or convention meetings, the angels with us are more. In fact, they are countless. Glory! Personally, I believe they are with us everywhere we go.
The servant of Elisha saw the large number of horses and armies that surrounded them. His heart failed with fear and he asked: What do we do now? Elisha, a man of the Spirit who knew they were not defenseless said: “Don’t be afraid!” Elisha told him. “For there are more on our side than on theirs!”
Even If he did not see it, he had that consciousness of God's angelic presence. He was unperturbed because he knew there were more persons on their side than those armies that surrounded them. He need not get into a frenzy of "spiritual" display. He was just calm about it.
When it seems you are surrounded by battles that are beyond you, one thing you must be conscious about is the abiding presence of God. If you are in fellowship with God on daily basis, this should not be a problem.
We need to come to that point where the marching hordes of hell cannot intimidate us because we are surrounded by countless thousands of angels. Our support outnumber the enemies. Some are more conscious of the enemy's numbers than they are conscious of the glorious presence of God. Little wonder why they talk fear and live in it.
In fact, the consciousness of God's presence with you entails knowing that you carry the great one within you. The bible says, "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world" (I John 4:4). That alone is enough to kill your fear and stir your faith.
I am not denying the fact we face battles, attacks and onslaught of the enemy. However, we are at an advantage because of who we carry and those that surround us. This knowledge alone is enough to help us wade through the waters of troubles and navigate stormy seasons.