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Luke 12:32 “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom" (NLT).


After the baptism of Jesus, before launching out fully into the ministry, he fasted forty days and forty nights. It was a form of preparation for the journey ahead.

Matthew 4:2 says "For forty days and forty nights he fasted and became very hungry".

Even while his ministry was in full operations, he didn't neglect the place of prayer: "And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray. Immediately before choosing his twelve apostles"( Mark 6:46).

When God gives you an assignment or a vision to pursue, you must nurture it with regular fasting and prayer. Great visions do not manifest on their own accord. They are products of sacrifices made by the vision bearer.

I am yet to see anyone who amount to anything in this kingdom who doesn't engage the instrumentality of fasting and prayer.

When apostle Ayo Babalola received the call into ministry, he spent months in fasting and prayer before the historic 1930 revival broke out. In fact, one historical account said he spent two years in intense fasting and prayer. Till today, his prayer labour is still speaking.

Prayer is one of the ways to tell God you don't have a power of your own and that you rely on him only to help you with the assignment. God, by nature doesn't give a vision that you can achieve with your power. He gives every man an assignment that will always make man run to him. Something bigger than you.

Great dreams are aborted because of laziness in prayer. Great visions becomes illusions because of weak prayer power.

Do not trivialize that vision God has laid on your heart. It is worth all kinds of prayer investment.

The moment God instructs you to do anything worthwhile, warfare begins. Almost every area of your life will feel the heat, you cannot afford to be lazy in prayer.

If you're a vision carrier, have dedicated days and seasons for prayer. You can engage a team to join you in that labour.


Action Point:

Your prayer life will determine to a large extent how your vision will flourish. Quit being lazy in the place of prayer

Posted on Dec 10, 2024