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Luke 12:32 “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom".

When I started out in ministry, It all seemed like a joke to some people. I just finished my National Youth Service program and had obtained a form for masters in University of Lagos when the Lord instructed me to reachout. Our first outreach took place in my neighbourhood on december 9th, 2011.

Years before then, I've been engaged in intense prayer and fasting asking the Lord to make clear to me what he wanted me to do for him. I sensed there was something he wanted me to do and I didn't want to rush into just anything. The opportunity to pastor in my dad's church was open but I didn't rush into that because I wanted to be sure.

One morning, while in my room doing my devotion, the Lord impressed upon my heart to organize an outreach in my neighbourhood where there were street urchins. That was the beginning of what has taken me round today to several places in Africa.

It all started like joke to some while some see it as the fresh zeal of a young man that just left campus. They thought it will wane and die with time. Over a decade, that zeal that was despised is still fresh because there are souls yet unsaved and unreached

Today, I am not the one taking the gospel around the world,  it is the gospel that is taking me around.

Dearest, I want to encourage you. Nurture the vision God placed on your heart. Don't look down on the assignment given to you by God. That it is not popular does not mean it is unimportant. What matters is that you're in God's will for your life.

If you nurture that vision prayerfully,  it will become great. If you pay attention to naysayers, you will be discouraged. Imagine Nehemiah had paid attention to what Sanballat, Tobiah and Gershem said, the walls of Jerusalem would have remained in ruins.

The presence of Sanballat, Tobiah and Gershem's of this world is a pointer to the validity of your vision. Satan will always feel threatened by every attempt to fulfill why you came to this world and he will raise humans to oppose you. Sometimes, they may be among those you respect.

Never give up on that assignment because it is small. Great things start small. Only the grave starts from the top down but every mighty fruit bearing tree started as a seed in the ground and grew from the soil till it became a mighty fruit bearing tree where everyone desires to pluck. Better days are ahead.


Action Point:

Today, ProjectSave International Ministry is 13 years. Raise an altar of thanksgiving for us and ask the Lord to help us fulfill the vision he gave to us.

Posted on Dec 09, 2024