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1 Kings 11:12 *"But for the sake of your father, David, I will not do this while you are still alive. I will take the kingdom away from your son*".

  A friend told me the story of a devout man whose child was missing. In the place of intense prayers, the Lord spoke and said the child would be found for the sake of her father who was devoted to the Lord. Now, that's profound. God did not promise restoration for the child's sake. Probably that child was wayward and uncommitted, who knows? But God found a reason to preserve and get that child back home because of her father. What a priceless gift it is to have parents on whose account with God coming generations can draw from. Recently, I watched another video which is the opposite of the previous story told. 

A woman attended a service where a word of knowledge singled her out from the crowd. The woman's son was in prison in a foreign country. Through the prophet, the Lord told this woman that her son will remain in prison unless she apologize to her former pastor whom she rebelled against. She was the pain in that pastor's neck. Emphatically, the man of God made it clear that her conduct was the reason the boy got into prison and it is her repentance that will get him out of prison not prayers Imagine that. 

A mother sinned in faraway Africa and his son abroad partook in the consequences. Things like this are mysteries we don't have full explanation for. Can God bless your children and intervene in their lives for your sake? Have you walked with God to the point where on account of your devotion, God can swear and make an unchanging promise like he did in the time of David? In 1 Kings 15:4, the bible says, "BUT FOR DAVID'S SAKE, the Lord his God allowed his descendants to continue ruling, shining like a lamp, and he gave Abijam a son to rule after him in Jerusalem".

 If you are conversant with the history of Israel's monarchy, you'll observe that some kings from David's dynasty messed up and did what could have made God remove their lineage from kingship but God refrained for the sake of David. Just as there is generational curse, there is also generational blessing. In a lineage where there is a generational curse, someone did something that gave Satan a legal ground to punish that lineage. In families where generational blessings flow, it is traceable to what one person did. Are you sure your current state of life won't bring a setback for the next generation? Start living your life with your children in mind. Probably, someone paid the price for certain benefits you're enjoying today, what price will you pay for the upcoming generation?


Action Point:

Audit your life. Start doing things that will make God bless your generation for your sake and stop what will give Satan legal ground to punish your children for your sake.

Posted on Mar 02, 2025