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Proverbs 18:24 There are persons for companionship, but then there are friends who are more loyal than family. CEB


Quality relationships are built intentionally not emotionally. The rule of productivity is connected to selectivity. In life, you must be intentional about selecting those in your circle. Some failed to build quality relationships intentionally in previous years, that is why they are where they are today. You need to know that all relationships aren’t helpful.

We must learn how to build destiny relationships and move those relationships with us from one season of life to another. One skill you must acquire this year is how to build quality relationship with those that are relevant to your journey in life and how to retain them. You will always need quality relationships to leverage on in life.

Pastor Temiloluwa ola said: ‘There is no pride in saying, “I do not have friends and I do not need friends”. Even Jesus had friends. Friendship is key. When there was famine in Isaac’s time, do you know what he leveraged on was a friendship established by Abraham with Abimelech at Gerar. So before you scream that Isaac sowed in the land and got a hundred fold, remember that there was also a solid relationship to leverage on’.

I have noticed that some miracles, breakthroughs and great opportunities are packaged inside quality relationships. No matter how fervent you are in prayer, only quality relationships will deliver certain answers. God didn’t create any man to be independent without some form of dependence. The web of life is interwoven.

Your life is incomplete without a touch of quality relationship in it. Joseph built friendship in prison that translated later to an opening in the palace. Thank God for prophetic declaration and anointing but despite that, David couldn’t be enthroned without leveraging on his relationship with Jonathan.

This year, build quality relationships intentionally. Be sensitive to know those that must accompany you in life’s journey. Who you follow determines what follows you. Your company determines what will accompany you. Be intentional about it.

ACTION POINT:- Don’t discard quality relationships. Use your electronic gadget to stay in touch with friends even if you can’t visit. It would pay- off very soon.