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Matt 29:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. KJV


I’ve always known that intentionality is needed to succeed at anything, evangelism and soul-winning is not excluded from this.

Dr Morris Cerullo of blessed memory shared a story. He traveled to a country not far from the U.S. He became thirsty so he felt the need to take a drink.

As he walked the streets, he saw the advert of Coca- Cola in front of a shop. He bought a bottle of coke. As he was about drinking it, he asked the vendor through his interpreter If he knew about Jesus.

The vendor asked If Jesus was another brand of drink like Coca-Cola. Dr Cerullo couldn’t drink his coke again because he was shocked that a man living in a country not far from United States of America ( supposedly a Christian country) haven’t heard about Jesus.

If American Christians and churches were intentional about soul-winning, that scenario may not have occured. What about the millions in your country that haven’t heard about Jesus?

This year, God want you to be intentionally involved in his global mission of taking the gospel to places where little or nothing is known about Christ. Let it start from where you are.

I doubt the genuineness of a believer who is not evangelizing. Something must be wrong somewhere. If you don’t lead minimum of one soul to Christ in a calendar year, you need to check your walk with God. Support financially is not enough, you must preach to sinners as well.

We can’t talk about taking the Gospel to the unreached If you have not registered your presence among the reached in your area. Your evangelistic commitment should be to the reached and unreached.

Think about expanding the frontiers of the gospel to places where Christ is not yet known. People from such places are called unreached people groups. It is not their choice to be unreached neither is it because they rejected the gospel message.

They are largely unreached because no one has taken the gospel message to them. There are thousands of such places today on earth.

In those places, people will live and die if no one takes the gospel message there intentionally. That’s why you and I should be involved in missions more than ever.

A mission statistics says 70,000+ die daily without hearing about Jesus. They cross into Christ-less eternity because we are not intentional about the command to go into the world.

There is a wide open door of going to the field as a missionary. God can call you to reach the unreached peoples as a missionary, do not hesitate to obey.

The only begotten son of God was sent to the world as a missionary for the salvation of many. It won’t be a misnomer If other adopted sons of God like you me spread the message among those that haven’t heard.

You can also send missionaries to such places through your giving. Consider your money as God’s resources entrusted to you. When God makes a demand for it, just release it.

You’re meant to be a pipe through which resources flow out for kingdom purposes. You shouldn’t be a storage tank but a conduit pipe.

Jesus said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:”, Matthew 6:19-20 KJV.

Let what is in your hand flow out for God’s missions, that’s one of the ways to store treasure in heaven.

PRAYER: Father, I receive the grace to be fully involved in missions this year in Jesus name.