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1Cor11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. KJV


Another thing you must be intentional about is submitting to a mentor. Without it, your rough edges may not be sharpened.

The word ‘mentorship’ has been ringing in the ears of many for years but some do not have a good grasp of what it means and what true mentorship entails.

Who is a mentor? According to my definition, s mentor is a trusted and tested counsellor, leader and influencer whose life is worth emulating.

If the person you call your mentor is not wise, lacks depth in counsel and cannot be emulated, the person has failed the mentorship test.

Great ideas and dreams fail often because people lack good mentors or do not submit to a sound mentor.

This year, you need men and women that can give you good counsel and monitor your progress.

For this to happen, that means you must have access to the person mentoring you, even if it is by phone. True mentoring involves access and contact.

The failure people experience in ministry, business or career is not because they can’t pray or fast, sometimes it is either because they lack mentors or they are mentored wrongly.

There is nothing you want to achieve that someone somewhere has not achieved.

Simply hook up with someone who has the experience and counsel you need. Mentorship is scriptural.

Jesus mentored the twelve, Jethro mentored Moses( Ex18), Moses mentored Joshua( Deut31&34), Elijah mentored Elisha(1Kings19&2Kings2), Barnabas mentored Paul( Acts4,9 and 11), Paul mentored Timothy(Acts16, Phil2 and 1&2 Tim).

Who is your mentor? As long as you think you know it all, your year may not be different from the previous.

A good mentee must be willing to learn and submit.

ACTION POINT: Mentorship is not meant to take the place of divine leading by the Spirit but to help fine tune it. In areas where your life isn’t making progress, you need a mentor.