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Daniel 9:2 In the first year of his reign I, Daniel, came to understand by books.


You have to be intentional about getting yourself informed through reading.

I’m yet to see a progressive mind that is not committed to study and research.

In history, Michael Faraday didn’t have a formal education. He was only an apprentice of Humphrey Davis but he committed himself to 5 hours of reading daily.

Today, you cannot study physics without learning about Faraday’s law of electricity.

What about Benjamin Franklin? He didn’t have more than 2 years of formal education but he was an addicted reader. He invented the bifocal lens.

Reading makes you versatile and broadens your scope of knowledge.

Someone said that If you want to hide a piece of information from a black man, write it in a book.

That shouldn’t be your case this year. You must have a voracious appetite for information. But you have to be intentional about it.

Good information has transformation power, it has the capability of changing you inside out.

The stagnation some have experienced in business, career and even ministry is traceable to lack of good information through reading.

Those who restrict learning to the four walls of classroom never make it in life.

Life is a race, but to succeed in the race of life, the right information is crucial.

Richard Branson at a time was recognized as 11th wealthiest Briton because of his success in business.

His transformation came when he read a book titled: ‘Small is Beautiful’.

This is the year where you must empty your pocket into your brain. Surf the internet for beneficial information and add some value so that you’ll have an edge.
Use the internet to your advantage and not just for socializing only. Watching comedy skits may not kit you ready for life.

Knowledge economy has come to stay and people are ready to pay for what you know provided it solves their problem.

When we exhaust natural resources, knowledge gained through reading will keep selling. I once needed a piece of information but I couldn’t get it around.

Eventually, I was introduced to a man who is an expert in that field. He told me to pay for the information I needed which I did. After he received the alert, he spoke to me on phone and shared details with me.

Develop yourself( through reading) to a point where you’ll get paid for the solutions you can provide through knowledge gained from study.

ACTION POINT: Get the right information in your area of expertise or calling and do not stop updating yourself from time to time so that you don’t become outdated.