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Ephesians 5:16 *making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil*.

While in secondary school, we had a wonderful French language teacher who understood and taught the subject well.

I took the subject with levity as most boys did. The girls fared better. In fact, we hated the idea of learning French because we thought it was a surplus to the requirement and quite unnecessary.

French language was the last paper we wrote in our Junior Secondary School Examination ( Junior WAEC), I and other boys in the class rubbed a section of our faces with white powder signifying an end to a subject we hated.

Our French teacher, Mrs Eke often told us a day would come when we’ll need her subject. Today, not learning French language is one of my regrets.

The last time in Togo, I couldn’t communicate easily in simple French language. I used Google translate to discuss with a lady at the park. I was hungry but telling her to describe an eatery was a problem. The worst came when I was pressed.

If they had told me those years that I’ll be preaching in French speaking countries, I’ll doubt it. I didn’t know my future would have anything to do with preaching & teaching in French speaking countries.

Then, the burden of financing my learning of French language was on my parents but now, I’ll have to pay a French tutor to teach me privately If I want to learn.

*Never joke with an opportunity to learn. An opportunity to learn is an opportunity to grow. An opportunity to learn now is a preparation for an unknown future*.

*Those given to growth take advantage of learning opportunities*.

In the cooperate world, they know that learning is tied to earning in some instances. The more you learn the more you increase your chances of earning.

*If only you can peep into your future, you may discover that you’ll be needing that knowledge that want to pass you by. Grab it now and use it later*.

Now that it is affordable and accessible, take advantage of it. The time is coming when you’ll pay through your nose to learn what you ought to have learnt previously.

*Prioritize personal development*. Most times, people don’t take personal development seriously because of the cost. They’re looking for cheap and free knowledge.

*Personal development and growth is not free*. Your personal library should worth more than your wardrobe. If you can buy expensive clothes and shoes, you can do buy good books and attend quality trainings that’ll benefit your life.

*You’ve not invested in learning because personal growth is not your priority*. You don’t mind buying latest shoes, clothes, bags and jewelries. Things that I’ll never last ten years but you have issues with paying to learn what will benefit you a lifetime.

If your physical growth didn’t come cheap and free, why do you think the growth of your spirit and mind should be free? *Growth requires investment*.

Seye Oyagbile said something that struck and I’ll leave you with that mind resetting quote: *”Finding money for self development should be like finding money to cure a terminal ailment*”.

ACTION POINT: What are the learning opportunities available to me now? Take advantage of learning what is relevant to your life now and later. It pays to grow and develop oneself personally.