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Romans 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

Recently, I preached in a believers meeting. I told them that we do not trust God enough to manage our lives. That account for why we don’t follow his leading.

Some of us think God is a cruel father who doesn’t have our best interest at heart. We think there are things he won’t give us because he’s harsh on us. That’s not true.

If our earthly father can be generous to the best of their ability, how much more our heavenly father: *”So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him*”( Mt 7:11).

I have read Romans8:32 severally and the more I read it, the better my understanding. Christ is the most treasured possession of God the father.

He gave Christ to us so that he can die for our sins. It was not an easy decision for God but he made it. If a man can give his only son to die, do you think there’s any other thing he won’t be able to give?

Apostle Paul is saying that there is nothing God will withold from us since He had given His most treasured possession- Christ. Hallelujah!!!

The way you see God is important and crucial in your walk with Him. There are people whose mentality about God tend towards cruelty and that of a task master. They never see the goodness of God.

When the devil throws his dirty dozens at them, they simply accept it and move on instead of confronting it with the name of Jesus, God’s word and the blood of Jesus.

*God is not the one behind sickness, wars, terrorism, famine and pestilence. The devil is*.

God is ready and willing to give you all things. It cost God nothing to grant you the desires of your heart because Christ has been given already.

The devil may make you feel your needs are too much and big but it is not bigger than Jesus Christ.

Psalms 84:11 says, *”For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right*”( NLT).

I believe in that scripture totally. God will not withhold any good thing from me because I’m his son.

When next you pray, make your request with the understanding that God is able to grant your request.

CONFESSION: Father, I thank you for your love. I know you will not withold good thing from me. Hallelujah!!!

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