Biblical answers to the questions of your heart

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Romans 8:14  For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. KJV

It is not possible.

Restitution matters are very sensitive and what most people do not know is that restitution must be done based on the leading of the Holy Spirit because if you do it in the flesh, you may have yourself to blame.

In my opinion, you can’t restitute everything. We have heard of those that cheated in examinations returning their certificates. If those that returned their certificates want to restitute completely, they’ll also need to return all the salaries they’ve gotten with that certificate and return all other certificates sequel to their O’level.

You must understand that our salvation is by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:6-8) not of works. No matter how much we try, we can’t use restitution to buy or earn salvation. Also, if you have to restitute all your sins from cradle, then what is the essence of salvation and cleansing by the blood of Christ? We came to Christ because we were helpless sinners carrying a heavy load of guilt and Christ took the shame, pain and guilt of our sins away when we accepted him.

I am not insinuating that restitution shouldn’t be done, but you must be led. Some preach that you must restitute ALL of your past. How do I return the pieces of meat I stole from my mother’s pot? I can’t even remember all my past sins because I don’t dwell on them anymore, 2Cor5:17. We do not restitute to be saved, we are saved first and that is why we restitute.

Look at this scenario. Let’s assume Brother James was formerly an armed robber. In one of his operations, he killed the only son of an unsaved couple but now he is born again. Should brother James confess to the family of the deceased? Now that’s a knotty one there. If brother James did not listen to the Spirit’s leading and get good counsel, he may be killed while confessing his sins to the family of the deceased.

My advice to you as a believer is that you should pray and seek God’s mind and get wise counsel from a spiritual person as you cannot use another person’s actions or experience to determine yours. BE LED.