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2 Timothy 4: 3-4 *For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths* (ESV)


I am addressing ministers of the gospel today. It is a good thing that we can track your progress and your activities on social media.

However, let me tell you that social media is not designed for ministry, though ministry can be done on the social media space. Do not forget that socializing is the primary intention behind social media. You can post short teachings, clips of your messages or a full message on it. Not bad.

The problem with putting all your ministerial life on social media is that it gives you a false sense of importance. The likes and shares may make you think you have become an authority of some sort whereas, true ministry is more than likes and shares.

There is so much faking of testimonies, attendance and ministerial growth on social media. Some of the "popular" social media pastors/preachers are not who they really are in real life but because they want to impress, they put up a show. This has a way of hindering growth. This is one of the temptations that come with social media.

Some teach on social media attacking other ministers. They get cheered on by people they don't know. Looking at the number of likes, comments and shares, they'll begin to assume they have a large following  but in the process, they lose friends who should have been of help in one way or the other.

Some could have graced the pulpits of others and probably become regular speakers in their major conference meetings but social media arrogance arising from a false sense of importance is preventing them from great ministry opportunities.

The worst is when you teach on social media claiming to be an authority on certain subjects. In some cases, those who do this make enemies for themselves when they abuse or attack other ministers with a different opinion. Social media reveals their immaturity.

If we take social media away, some may not have a ministry anymore because social media is what gives relevance to their ministry.  This ought not to be for a minister of the gospel. We are not content creators.

As a minister of the gospel, you must have a physical work on ground that is solid. Our fathers in the ministry were established in ministry long before the advent of social media. When social media came, they only employed it as a tool for ministry. If social media shuts down, their ministry continues.


Action Point:

Build a solid ministry in real time and stop chasing clout on social media.

Posted on Jan 13, 2025