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2 Corinthians 5:15 *He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them* ( NLT).

Several times, I have heard some believers talk about having a secular life and a spiritual life. They say this to differentiate their commitment to God from what they do to earn a living.

This unbiblical understanding that divides ones life into spiritual and secular is the fuel of compromise. While in church, people tend towards holiness because they see themselves as having come into God's presence but when at work( secular life), they end up doing what everyone is doing which might go against God's will.

That's when you'll hear a believer say things like: "When you are in Rome, you behave like Romans" or they say, "Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar". They'll say these in context of compromise. 

Often, most of the people involved in sharp practices in most offices aren't unbelievers only. A lot of Christians are involved too. Their spiritual life is in church but their secular life doesn't reflect their spiritual life at all whereas, a believer should live for Christ everywhere at all times. 

This separation of life is the reason you will see a christian student, even some preachers cheat in exams saying it is nothing but will stand on the pulpit the following sunday to preach holiness. 

When they pass exams through cheating, they'll give testimony saying the Lord did it whereas, they used ungodly means to secure success. What they got through Satanic ways, they'll dedicate to Christ. What a paradox!

A believer in Jesus does not have two lives. Our life is that one life of Christ that reflects in all we do on and off the church.

At work, our character and conduct should be an extension of our one spiritual life. *Our consecration must permeate all we do in school, home and office. 

Paul says, "Work willingly at WHATEVER YOU DO, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people"( Col 3:23). 

Since we live for one master and his life is in us, we are to reflect it everywhere we go. 


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Action Point:

PRAYER: Father, I receive the grace to live for you alone.

Posted on Dec 03, 2024