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Rev 2:5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. NIV


To launder is to wash clean. No one want to appear in the public wearing dirty clothes. One way of the other, we love to be clean and we try as much as possible to remain so.

There is a correlation between the state of our mind and repentance. The subject of repentance is grossly misunderstood by some and we need to examine what it really is.

The Greek word "Metanoia" is translated as 'repent'. It means to change one's attitude and thoughts completely thereby resulting in a change of life.

True repentance starts from within. It is a total overhauling of the mindset, habit, attitude and thinking pattern that controls and drives our actions.

It is a misnomer trying to change actions without changing the ideology behind the action. True repentance will aim at correcting the faulty thinking pattern that fuels wrong action.

That's why the greatest battles aren't the physical ones but the ones we fight within. If you can conquer within, you will conquer without.

Apostle Paul, knowing this truth enjoined that we renew our minds (with the word of God), Romans12:2. Whatever is not in your mind cannot be in your life.

Before falling flat into sin thereby leading to backsliding, there must have been a wrong content in the mind that led to the very action that brought you down.

A fall is not accidental. Often we talk about Samson's fall as though it was the day he met Delilah his weakness for women began. Prior to meeting Delilah, Samson's mind was full of lust and he's had cases of sexual misconduct with women. The devil saw this and arranged Delilah for him.

He failed to change the content of his mind which led to the negative action that made him fall. Repentance is not genuine until there's a change of mind. 
You can rise again as a giant that God has made you to be, your vision can come alive again, you can shake your world for Christ and be on fire for the Lord once again if you repent.

Often, we tend to equate remorse with repentance. Never misconstrue repentance for remorse. Both are not the same. One can be remorseful without repenting.

There are cases of criminals who became remorseful when they were caught because they were close to death. The moment they were released, they returned to their vomit.

Your tears is not what God requires at this moment, not even that pious religious look of penitence but a change of mind that will result in a change of action.

Repentance also entails doing what you use to do that kept you on the right track with God: "...Repent and do the things you did at first..."(Rev 2:5).

Return to your acts of personal consecration, the very things that kept you on track. You will rise again.


Action Point:

Think deeply about the negative mindset driving your negative action and change them. Further, return to the very things you were doing before that strengthened and kept you on track with God

Posted on Dec 07, 2024