When all others have been done, a groomer will move to touching and making body contact. It may start as a harmless touch like side hug, pating at the back or a gentle stroke.
Sometimes, the touch comes during happy times and it may come during our low moments. Those two times are crucial especially the low moments. When ladies are disturbed emotionally, they let their guards down. A crying female is a dangerous person to be alone with.
If such ladies come around a groomer especially the one who has a eye on them, while trying to console or give comfort, a little touch here and there may lead to something else.
There are many ladies in church who fell victim of a sexual predator when they needed a shoulder to lean on in their low moments. Oftentimes, most scandals we hear or read about started as a casual counseling case that led to into immorality.
As a counselor, I know from experience that it is wrong for me to become emotional when a female counselee is emotional. The temptation to pat, hold or hug is always there. That moment is dangerous.
In your low moments, do not run to anyone especially someone of the opposite sex who has been unusually close. I have said it previously, surround yourself with men and women of proven integrity with a consistent track record.
You need not hug everyone. I am wary of those who cannot greet properly without body contact. Must you hug? Even as harmless as handshake is, if you know it affects you, avoid it. Holiness is practical not theoretical.
Beware of that person who comes close all the time by way of touching or making body contact. They might be grooming you for immorality unconsciously.
1 Corinthians 6:18 says: "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body".