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1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin. [4] Then each of you will control his own body and live in holiness and honor. NLT


One of the skills of every groomer is the use of flattery and endearing words. They are good at it. Oftentimes, when they spot their victims, they use nice words to break their defenses and capture their hearts. 

The bible aptly describes the adulterous woman this way: "For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and HER SPEECH IS SMOOTHER THAN OIL; but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword" ( Proverbs 5:3-4)..

This characteristic is not peculiar to the adulterous woman only, the adulterous man also has the same skill- ability to sweep victims off their feet with words. The killer punch is when they add attention and care to the use of words.

Words are powerful. Sweet words touches to the core of our beings. Musicians who sing in parties knows this so they use flattery to get money out of peoples pockets as they sing their praises. 

A groomer can call you any good name and endear you with words just get you. Someone you are not married to caliing you "Darling", "My dear", "Honey pie", "Sweetie pie", "My love", etc might be up to something. A groomer can tell you how beautiful you are even when nothing is special about you that day. 

Even if they're not up to something initially, words can spark a chemistry between you both and lead to immorality. Often times, those who are raised with harsh and unkind words or remarks fall victim of such groomers.

There are women whose husbands pierce with words. They can predict what their husbands will say because he has no nice comment about them. Deep within, they yearn for positive affirmation but none is forthcoming from the man they call husband

The moment another man starts telling them what they have longed to hear, they attach to him emotionally. Same applies to our little daughters. Men, never tell your wives or daughters they are ugly. The in-road to every female mind is connected to their auditory sense organ

As an aside, parents should teach their little children( especially daughters) to reject and report men who calls them "My wife" and uses other endearing words. Often, they use that to groom children and teenagers for sexual abuse. 

Dearest, resolve to stay pure sexually. Don't be comfortable around men who flatter with words. It may sound harmless but because you don't know his intention, be bold to tell them you don't want them to address you with endearing words like: "My dear", "Honey", etc. 

Once a groomer sees the seriousness in your rejection of his use of flattery and endearing words, he'll take caution.

Action Point:

Overcoming immorality requires taking practical steps. When a groomer who is skillful with words comes around, confront the person politely about his choice of words and let him know you will not appreciate such

Posted on Nov 29, 2024