There was severe famine in the land. Elisha prophesied that there'll be abundance. His prophecy was too good to be true because of how ridiculous it sounded. The personal assistant of the king doubted Elisha's prophecy and voiced out his doubt. Elisha told him he will see it happen but he will not eat from the coming abundance. It happened exactly as he said. His doubt robbed him of the miraculous. Imagine someone saying that a bag of rice will be sold for a thousand naira which is less than a dollar. Not many of us will believe because we are conscious of the economy. However, God want us to believe him for the impossible. The supernatural will always be strange because it defies the natural order of things. The world will always doubt miracles and supernatural acts of God but for you and me, we must believe God can do the impossible. Doubt prevents us from partaking in the supernatural. It robs us of what should have been of benefit to us. The worst form of doubt is the one that arise from intellectual research or knowledge. There are bible scholars who have read themselves out of the supernatural. Those in this class concluded miracles are not for today. They believe all the miracles ended with the apostles and they even use the bible to prove it. In fact, I once heard a bible scholar saying there are no prophets or genuine prophecy again. Beware of false knowledge parading itself as scholarship. In most churches and christian gatherings, the new converts, uneducated have testimonies to share. They take God at his word just as it is but those who try to process it with intellectual knowledge gets nothing. Stop doubting God and start believing God for the impossible. He can turn a hopeless situation around.