I heard the story of three rich men, a wise man, a king and villagers. The villagers protested to the king's palace saying they wanted to kill the three rich men because they were the cause of their poverty.
The King was confused. He sent for the wise man to get some counsel on the matter. The wise man counseled that all the properties of the three rich men be shared among all the villagers equally instead of killing these rich men. They were happy.
When the villagers got some of their shares, some married more wives, some threw parties and lived wrecklessly. While all that was ongoing, the rich men took loans to do the same businesses they were doing that made them rich. They provided services the villagers needed and created value the people paid for.
In the process of time, the villagers became poorer than they were initially while the rich men became richer than they were before their properties were shared. It became glaring to all that these rich men did not defraud the villagers. They only had superior ideas. This story tells the major difference between the rich and the poor.
Money will never make a poor man rich neither will lack of it make a rich man poor. Poverty is a mentality, wealth is also a mentality.
The average poor man's mentality is to consume while the thinking of a rich man tends towards production or provision of services in exchange for money.
Every genuine wealthy man on earth is selling something or providing a service that others are paying for. They have created value and they monetized it.
There are no short cuts to wealth creation. If you want to be wealthy, start thinking of providing monetized solutions to problems either by way of selling what people need or by providing services that people need.
The principle of wealth is universal. If applied anywhere in the world, it will work. Even in advanced countries where people seek greener pastures, same secret applies. The wealth in every nation is locked in the common problems people face from day to day. Whoever provides solution will unlock wealth.
Instead of praying for money to rain down on you from heaven as some do, i'll rather prefer you ask for great ideas that can fetch you money. That is what God gives to his children not money. There is no printing and minting company in heaven.