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Matthew 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

John Wycliff was known as “The Morning Star of the Reformation”. He was an outstanding theologian who lived in 14th century. He was known for his prowess as a translator of scriptures. He believed the Bible should be available to people in their common tongue. He translated the Latin Vulgate( Bible) into common English. He was persecuted for his stand against Papal authority. While he was not burned at the stake as a martyr like Tyndale, his persecution extended beyond his death. His body was exhumed and burned along with many of his writings.

The Anti-Wycliffe Statute of 1401 brought persecution to his followers and specifically addressed the fact that there should not be any translation of Scripture into English. Virtually all that we are enjoying today in the body of Christ(especially in nations with low persecution index) were paid for with the blood and sacrifice of saints who sacrificed their time, comfort and life.

Anywhere you see people worshipping Jesus unhindered, you may need to dig into history. You’ll discover that some paid the price of time, money, commitment and even life to make that happen. Anytime you read your English bible, remember John Wycliffe and William Tyndale. These men paid the price to get bible translated into English against the wish of the religious leaders of their time.

It is important we remind ourselves about those that have made huge sacrifice(s) for us to be here. This should in turn make us resolute in our decision to serve the Lord come what may. Jesus said, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 16:25 KJV). Christianity is no christianity without sacrifice. Christ sacrificed his very life for us to receive eternal life.

Every generation must sacrifice somethings for the perpetuity of the Gospel. Ours may not necessarily be our life. It may be time, money, intellect, commitment, etc. The sacrifice of some people made the sending of missionaries to your tribe/country possible when it was still unreached. Today, you’ve been reached with the Gospel. You’re enjoying Jesus and worshipping freely in your paneled church, what are you sacrificing for the unreached in your time to hear the Gospel?

God is calling you to a higher place of commitment where you need to make sacrifices for his kingdom. How far can you go with and for God?

PRAYER: Father, I receive grace to contribute my quota to kingdom advancement. I receive the grace to pay the price In Jesus name.