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James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. KJV


Several years back, I was hurting badly. I did something wrong and I couldn’t find my peace.

I felt lonely even in a noisy crowd. To pray and study the word became a problem. I felt I was useless to myself and everyone around. I carried my pains alone and nursed it within.

I decided to come out of that bondage through confession. The peace of God was restored into my heart and I received my emotional healing.

Some emotional healing will come only through confession.

Emotional pain is worse when it is mixed with guilt or feeling of condemnation.

Spiritual people can feel bad for making a mistake or falling into sin. The devil will take advantage of that occasion to inflict internal torment.

Some will withdraw from fellowshipping with the brethren due to lack of confidence. Demons use the occasion of sin to torment people.

I have read about believers who thought they had committed the unpardonable sin and they sank deep into depression. Some became mentally unstable outrightly.

The devil told them they couldn’t be forgiven and demons used that occasion to deal with them.

*You can be healed If you can confess that sin to God and to a trusted fellow who will help you to stand on your feet again and restore you*.

God is the forgiver of sins but when we confess to man, we receive emotional healing

You have stayed too long in the valley of depression, prayerfully confess your sins to someone that can help you out. Don’t hide what is eating you deep.

Secrecy empowers sin but confession breaks the strength of a sinful habit and helps our healing to be faster

ACTION POINT: Prayerfully decide on who to confide in so that you can be healed.