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James 2:13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment ( NIV)


I was in a camp meeting years back. During testimony time, a man who murdered someone stood to testify about God’s mercy.During his trial while awaiting final judgement, he had an encounter with the Lord. He gave his life to Christ and became born again. God promised to show him mercy. The day of final judgement came, everyone knew what the verdict of the judge would be because it was already established that he was guilty of murder. However, something miraculous happened in the court. The judge told him he was guilty as charged and deserved to die but he has decided to tamper justice with mercy. He was set free and allowed to go a free man. That’s mercy at work.

We have attempted to find scriptural ways to correcting foundational defilement by relating real life experiences. However, the aforementioned solutions are not absolute. There are things unknown to man that may not be revealed. In such case, the mercy of God is needed to correct whatever is wrong foundationally. We all need the mercy of God to prevail over our lives more than anything else. The mercy of God is an act of his sovereignty that over rules the consequences of our actions, frailties and failures. The mercy of God brings men to a place or position they don’t deserve. That is why God may look ‘partial’ to some people though He is not. He has only exercised his sovereignty.

If the foundation is defiled, what can the believer do? The believer can ask God for mercy so that his faulty foundation can be corrected. I am yet to see any situation that is impossible for mercy to change. Dear reader, your life need God’s mercy. One thing i tell people when ministering is to ask for God’s mercy to be shown on stubborn situations. I hardly fail to ask God for mercy for every facet of my life during prayers. God is a loving father and he’s more than willing to correct that foundational defilement if only you can ask Him for his mercy.

Your testimony shall be that God’s mercy prevailed over judgement in your life.

PRAYER: Father, have mercy on me In Jesus name.