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Prov27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. KJV


I spent a little part of my growing years with my grandma while in nursery school. I was fond of telling her ‘mo fe gaja’. Literal meaning is “I want to climb the roof”.

Whenever I say that, she understood perfectly that what I wanted was for her to back me. I won’t forget in a hurry the year I had a minor surgery because of an abscess that formed on my buttocks.

I was in the nursery school then. I couldn’t walk because my legs were weak. They backed me wherever I went but that was just for a while.

I rode on their back because I was weak at that time. They were strong but I was weak. When I recovered fully and my feeble legs became strong, I began to walk without aid. This has spiritual application.

Every believer must be connected to someone with a better knowledge of God, a stronger prayer life and someone with a good christian testimony.

Someone that can be seen as a model. Someone that can ignite the fire of the Spirit in us and help us stand on our feet again. In our walk with God, we need Spirit-filled men that can help us.

You can’t be lazy in prayer and still maintain an inner circle of prayerless friends.

There was a time in my life when prayer was an uphill task. A brother adopted me to be part of his one hour prayer time every night. Till date, that hasn’t left me.

One of the benefits of fellowshipping with other believers and staying connected to someone that is stronger is because of our weak moments.

Don’t keep company with people that share the same weakness, ride on the back of the strong to stand on your feet again.

PRAYER: Father, I receive strength to stand on my feet again in Jesus name.