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Psalm18:16-19… “They hit me when I was down, but God stuck by me. He stood me up on a wide-open field; I stood there saved—surprised to be loved!


Several times I’ve had believers telling me about how their weak spiritual life. Oftentimes, their prayer life meter reads zero and private bible study becomes uninteresting.

Whenever I hear this complaint from God’s people, I perceive they think preachers do not have such weak moments. I laugh within. That pastor you’re talking to may be experiencing same.

The enemy orchestrates those weak moments to attack us on all fronts. He knows that we’ll be vulnerable to attacks in our down moments that’s why he’s working frantically to keep us down perpetually.

In my personal bible study, I came across Psalm18:18. I discovered the Psalmist was talking about his experience as a warrior. He was a strong man.

David fought great wars with his mighty men. His army was described as the armies of God. They had their war-front challenges but they were not defeated.

In that chapter and verse, David spoke about being attacked when he was down, weak and in distress.

It occured to me there are times when warriors are weak and susceptible to the attack of the enemy. The same applies to us in this generation.

There have been times we wake up early in the morning and not feel like praying. There are days when it seemed as if our prayers were bouncing back and we find it hard to study God’s word.

It is not only church members that experience this, pastors do as well. In fact, there are times we open the bible and it seems like a narrative to us but we read it anyway.

That moment of weakness is the time the devil tries to launch attack either on our health, businesses, marriages, children or ministry. In fact, sin lurks around the corner at such times.

Some have become casualty of this period while others survived it. In the case of David, God came to his rescue because of His mercy and grace.

There are practical steps to take in weak moments but as we progress gradually, they shall be unveiled. Commit your life to God in prayers.

You need to talk to your heavenly father to rise to your rescue in your weak moments so that the devil will not attack you.

The Holy Spirit is our advantage in weak moments. Engage him for strengthening.

PRAYER: Father, I commit my life into your able hands. Do not let the enemy attack me and strengthen me in my weak moments In Jesus name.