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Lamentations 4:12-13 Not a king in all the earth— no one in all the world— would have believed that an enemy could march through the gates of Jerusalem. Yet it happened because of the sins of her prophets and the sins of her priests, who defiled the city by shedding innocent blood” ( NLT).


I won’t forget in a hurry an incident that taught me the power of genuine reconciliation as one of the means to correcting foundational defilement in one’s life.

When I was in school as an undergraduate, during one of the holidays, my mum brought a young teenager to me for prayers. He was insane, saying gibberish.

The mother of this boy was a member of the church my mum pastored that time. The mother decided that the boy should stay with me and my mum.

When mummy brought him home, she transferred him to my room for prayers. Anytime I pray for him and he’s around me, he stopped the display of insanity but after a while, he suffered a relapse.

The mother decided the boy should stay with me permanently so that I could cast the demon out anytime it returns but it was practically impossible for me to police him around because I needed to return to school.

To achieve complete victory, my mom called her intercessory group( comprising of wives of Pastors&female evangelists)for an emergency vigil. As they entered the church for vigil, mild drama ensued.

One of my mum’s prayer partner, a lady Evangelist, recognized the boy’s mother as the woman that snatched her husband over a decade. This woman had lived alone for decades without her husband.

My mum knew she was separated from her husband but didn’t know she was pastoring the woman who snatched her husband. The whole thing looked like a drama that very night.

That night, she decided not to pray for the boy. Memories of how the boy’s mother schemed her way into her marriage and got her evicted flooded her heart. She stood her ground that she won’t pray for this young teenager.

My mum and others pleaded with her to forgive the mother so that the boy( her step son) could be healed. She forgave the mother and the vigil became a reconciliatory meeting.

That night, the boy received his permanent healing. Since then, we haven’t heard that the boy had a relapse. Can you see how spiritual things work?

Spiritual babes and those that lack understanding about things of the Spirit may doubt this but it is real.

Sometimes, a very simple act of reconciliation can correct some faulty foundations.

The bible said that God turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends(Job42:10). Praying for his friends in context has something to do with forgiveness and reconciliation. During his ordeal, his friends accused him of many things and I assume he was offended.

If you have hurt someone badly, simple reconciliation can change your story especially if you’re caught in the web of life’s crisis.

A young Pastor that broke away from his parent church had to return there for proper sendforth blessing and commissioning after years of establishment. He saw the need for it and he acted accordingly.

Prayer is good but it is not the only solution to all problems. Sometimes, it is prayer plus a scriptural injunction. Yours could be reconciliation.

PRAYER: Father, i receive the grace to pursue reconciliation where necessary In Jesus name.