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Jeremiah 31:3 Long ago the LORD said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.

There was economic recession In a certain country. Every system and structure collapsed and life became hard for the people. Almost everyone migrated for greener pastures.

There was this man who stayed back with his family on God’s instruction. Everyone around him tried to convince him against staying back. Of course, it was illogical to stay back at such times.

However, this man stood his ground. His response to those who thought he was insane was: “The all-knowing and all-wise God is the manager of my life. His instruction I follow per time because I know he won’t mismanage my life”.

Later, that man became wealthy during recession because he cultivated a large expanse of land to produce the staple of his people. He was the sole producer of that food. Government bought food from him alone because other farmers ran away.

After the recession when others returned, they had a hard time rebuilding their businesses because only one man dominated the business scene of the country. Aside farming, he invested in other lines of businesses. He dominated.

I am glad to inform you today, “God won’t mismanage your life”. Erase from your heart the fear about God not managing your life properly. That feeling of not seeing God’s instruction to us as the best stems from lack of trust.

The writer of proverbs says, “Trust in the LORD with ALL THINE HEART; and lean not unto thine own understanding”. So it is safe to say men lean on their own understanding because they don’t trust God with all their heart.

Sometimes ago, I pondered on the reason some believers shun divine direction and scheme their way to run their lives. It occurred to me that most people think God can’t manage their lives properly.

Some have been wrongly taught that God’s will is unpleasant and may not be appealing. This is the reason some singles ask questions like: “What if God gives me a wife that is not beautiful”? “What if God tells me to marry someone that is not my speck”?

Matthew 7:9-11 says, “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him”! ( NIV). Ponder on this.

In ministry circle, it is often the fear of the unknown or tomorrow. A man God sent to the village for ministry may think God has sentenced him to a life of penury and pain so he may scheme his way into the city to plant a church to better his lot.

I was once like this because I had my fears about the future of being a missionary evangelist and teacher of the word without founding a church. No salary, nowhere to pass the offering bowl. You know what I mean?

It got me thinking why God assigned my peers to pastor in the cities with better prospect. Anytime I move round town, all I saw were adverts of young folks like me pastoring churches in posh areas in Lagos. I began to imagine their standard of living and quality of life. I spent productive time in unhealthy comparison.

I almost pulled out to do ministry my own way because I felt God was managing my life wrongly. No thanks to those who even thought I can’t be in ministry without founding a church. The language is always, “you’ll need a base”. Now I know better that it pays to obey God when it seems he doesn’t make “sense”.

At the root of every disobedience to divine instructions about our lives is that feeling of distrust thinking God doesn’t mean well for us.

Hey! God won’t mismanage your life. The instruction may seem “foolish” now but in the end you will understand why God gave that instruction. Often, God won’t reveal everything to us about our lives at once.

He want us to obey him per time he gives instruction trusting that he can manage our lives properly. When God told Abraham to leave his kindred to a land he will show him, it sounded “foolish” because God didn’t tell him where he was taking him.

He obeyed by packing his bags and taking his wife with him not knowing where God was taking him to. That’s a man who trust God enough to manage his life.

Have you heard God on a matter and you’re beginning to think God doesn’t mean well for you? I want you to find comfort in this scripture: ‘The LORD says, “I will guide you along the BEST PATHWAY for your life. I will advise you and watch over you’.

Don’t settle for the good or the better pathway. The best pathway is the best for your life. God won’t mismanage your life.

CONFESSION: I walk in God’s perfect will for my life henceforth. He cannot mismanage my life. He who created me knows what is best for my life. I receive the grace to obey and walk right at the centre of his will in Jesus name.